Reviews and photos from our most recent production, Speechless
First done in 2017. Speechless follows a group of five people dealing with their collective despair, leaning on each other and grieving, but is ultimately in search of hope and the strength to carry on and live together.
Directed by Dominique Serrand
featuring Kenzi Allen, Steven Epp, Helen Hatch, Nathan Keepers, Randy Reyes.
“More than any play I saw in 2017, this graceful, surprising and wordless cry from the heart hit at a purely emotional level. I know I'll be seeing it again….”
“Honestly, the best way to review "Speechless" would not be to write about it. Instead, I would come to your house to show you the expression on my face as I left the show: beatific smile, with huge tears streaming down my cheeks. -- - Chris Hewitt review StarTribune
“There are moments of humor and delight, and Pieta-like beauty that brought gasps from the audience. When it was over, we were all a little stunned. Days later, that feeling lingers.
Overheard as the applause faded and people started leaving their seats: “Amazing.” “Cathartic.” “I needed that.” “The most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.” “The best ever celebration of life.” Add “ravishing” and “radiantly hopeful.” -- Pamela Espeland, MinnPost, 2017
“…The Moving Company’s “Speechless” [is} using performance as a tool for grappling with the biggest, most difficult feelings. It’s a tradition that goes back to Greek tragedy, and even before that if you consider ways that ritual has been a part of human culture since its most early days. - Sheila Regan MinnPost , 2024