web series faqs

where can I find the episodes?
episodes will be streaming on vimeo, links will be sent out via email and available on our social media accounts. they will also be posted here, on our website.

how do i rent the finale?

you can pre-order the final episode on vimeo right now and the episodes will be sent to you when it is released or you can wait and rent it any time after the november 6 release.

it’s easy,

  1. choose rent or purchase

  2. create a vimeo account (if you don’t have one)

  3. enter your credit card info

  4. access your video when it is available by logging into your account and going to “Purchases”

    for more vimeo on demand questions, click here.

can i watch on my tv?

  1. create a free vimeo account at vimeo.com

  2. download the vimeo app on your smart tv.

  3. from a computer or mobile device, click on the episode link and click on the clock icon to “watch later.”

  4. on your smart tv, go to the vimeo app, connect to your account, and the episode will be waiting in your “watch later” list.

do i have to watch it right away?
episodes #1-3 will be available to stream anytime, anywhere through november 6. episode #4 will be available for 3-day-digital rentals on vimeo starting november 6.

how much does it cost?
episodes #1-3 are FREE, episode #4 is available as a $6.99 3-day digital rental on vimeo, or you can purchase a downloadable copy for $30.

can i share the links on social media?

yes! please share links to episodes widely! but we ask that you do not share purchased downloads of the finale.

can I give you more money if i want?
absolutely. always. donations are always welcome. you can give once or become a monthly supporter for extras and behind the scenes.